Curriculum Vision
There are key themes running through our curriculum that will promote the children’s understanding of themselves, others and the world.

Diversity: As our school and community is predominantly white British, our children need to understand how Britain and other parts of the world are multi-cultural and why this should be celebrated. We aim to develop children’s understanding of national and international culture so that they are tolerant and respectful towards others and are interested in our differences. We help our children develop a greater awareness of the challenges others face in life and appreciate the role they can play in helping others.
Our local area is of particular interest and importance to us and we are fortunate enough to have our own 'Wild Wood' which is an area of woodland close to school which was gifted to us. The children visit it regularly for some of their outdoor learning.
Children at Helmdon Primary School are taught about issues that relate to our school, community and planet. Our curriculum is broad, balanced and challenging and we ensure that there are plenty of opportunities for learning about both our local environment and the wider environment.
These focuses on our locality and the environment, and diversity enrich and support our curriculum to be relevant and interesting.
In addition, we also have core beliefs that are central to all that we do:
Happiness: We want the children to feel happy both in and out of the classroom as we know that happy children learn, take risks and are best placed to achieve success.
Perseverance: We want our children to have the courage to strive for their dreams. When they face difficulties and setbacks they need the resilience to recognise their emotions, overcome their obstacles and try again.
Success: Our aim is that each child will fulfil their academic potential but it is just as important that we develop the whole child. Our children need to be taught how to stay healthy and we provide daily opportunities to enjoy being active. We celebrate achievements obtained in and out of school and provide a range of extra-curricular clubs.
Care: We want our children to be caring people: to be kind to themselves, to care about each other, and at every opportunity they have. We help them to understand why kindness is so important and the difference it can be make in the world. We also teach our children to take responsibility for their actions in a safe and supported environment.
If you would like further information on the curriculum we teach, please contact the school directly.