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Helmdon Primary School

Happiness, Perseverance, Success


Homework in Year 2

Reading - We would like all children to read daily at home each night for about 20 minutes.  Reading is an essential skill and regular practise really does have an impact.  Please record home reading in the reading record books as these will count towards their reading challenge.  Please can reading books and reading records come into school everyday.  We will be changing reading books on Monday mornings for those on the school reading scheme.  


Maths - By the end of Year 2 children should have a confident grasp of their number bonds and know the x2, x5 and x10 times tables.  Hit The Button and TTRockstars are a fun way to engage your child in learning these facts.  We recommend they spend 10 minutes up to 3 times a week on these skills.  


Spellings - Spelling tests and new words will be issued on Fridays.  Your child will be given up to 10 words to learn.  As the year progresses, two additional words will be added to the tests from previous lists.  Most weeks the lists will follow a spelling rule and it is important to discuss this rule at home also.  In addition to the spelling lists, it is important that your child is able to spell the common exception words.  A link to these can be found below.

Homework in Year 3

Reading - To build reading stamina further, it is recommended that children read to an adult for 20 minutes daily.  Your child may have progressed from the school reading scheme onto the Accelerated Reader Programme.  This will involve taking a comprehension quiz on the completion of a book.  It will be possible for your child to keep a tally of the total number of words they have read during the entire year!   The competition is on!


Maths - An activity will be set based on the learning that has taken place that week.  This will be set on Thursdays and your child will have a week to complete their activity.  In addition to this, it is important that your child continues to learn their times table facts as by the end of Year 3 they should know x2, x5, x10, x3, x4 and x8.  Hit The Button and TTRockstars are fun ways for children to learn these facts. 


Spellings - Spelling tests will be completed on Fridays.  As the term progresses, two words from the previous week's list will be added to the test.  Most weeks the words will follow a rule and we will practise this rule in lessons.  It is important to talk about the rules at home also.  



Grammar - Grammar homework will be set by Ms Lewis on Tuesdays and the children will have one week to complete it. This will be sent home in a red wallet.