PSHE is at the heart of everything we do, but is also taught discreetly as part of our curriculum. It teaches children important skills and knowledge that they will need throughout their life to be purposeful members of society.
Our PSHE curriculum develops
- our children’s skills and understanding of managing themselves in social situations, gaining confidence to ask for support where needed, and to use their initiative to support others when needed.
- skills in discussion, team work, compromise, and alleviating problems when interacting with others.
- confidence in each child’s individuality and teaches them to respect and celebrate it in others.
- a positive outlook, problem solving and using initiative, reflecting and thinking to support themselves and other people.
- their understanding of how to be healthy and happy, managing their diet and looking after their bodies, both in and out of school.
- our children’s skills and understanding of how to manage their expectations, aspirations and be inspired by what life has to offer them.
We believe children should be supported to make the right choices during their time at Helmdon Primary School. We take every opportunity, including playtime and lunchtime, to support this development in their time with us.
Our PSHE curriculum is delivered through an award-winning scheme called Jigsaw. Jigsaw covers all elements of the national curriculum in PSHE and incorporates the full requirements of the Government’s statutory curriculum on Relationships, Health and Sex Education. Jigsaw is split into six areas each of which are delivered in a different half term across the year. Three of these areas cover the Relationship, Health and Sex Education requirements.
- Autumn 1 - Being Me
- Autumn 2 - Celebrating Differences
- Spring 1 - Dreams and Goals
- Spring 2 - Healthy Me (Government Health Education statutory requirements)
- Summer 1 - Relationships (Government Relationships Education statutory requirements)
- Summer 2 - Changing Me (Government Sex Education non-statutory requirements)
Sex Education and Puberty is also covered within our science curriculum. This element is statutory and can be found within the science scheme of work. Please refer to our policy on Relationship, Health and Sex Education for further details.
Most children will achieve the early learning goals in the Framework for the EYFS.
Most children will achieve the National Curriculum age-related expectations in PSHE as outlined in the Jigsaw milestone End Points.
Children become
- successful, engaged learners who enjoy learning and who are knowledgeable and skilled, make progress and achieve their potential.
- confident, articulate individuals, who can lead safe, healthy and fulfilling lives in the communities in which they live now and in the future.
- responsible, happy citizens of the world who have the capacity to make positive contributions to society.
Below are links to the entire curriculum for PSHE delivered through our Jigsaw Scheme in each year group. Our Relationship, Health and Sex Education curriculum is delivered in PSHE through our Jigsaw scheme below.