Who's Who
Meet the staff at our school:
Amanda Zdyrko (Science, History, Geography, PHSE lead)
Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL)
Amanda Zdyrko (Online Safety Lead)
Clare Hedley, Samantha Castle Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL)
bursar@helmdon.northants-ecl.gov.uk; s.castle@helmdon.org
Susan Jenkins s.jenkins@helmdon.org
Office Staff
Business Manager/Bursar - Clare Hedley
School Administrator - Fiona Kirkham
Year 5/6
Class teachers - Tracey Pearson (English, Music, SMSC lead)
t.pearson@helmdon.org, head@helmdon.northants-ecl.gov.uk
Amanda Zdyrko
Year 3/4
Class teachers - Samantha Castle (Art and DT lead)
Sue Lewis (Maths and French lead)
Year 2
Class teacher - Susan Jenkins
Year 1
Class teacher - Michael Felce (Computing and PE lead)
Class teacher - Ksenya Sorokoletova
Teaching Assistants - Janine Bridgett, Sue Turner, Caren Whitehouse, Tracey Philbey, Tracey Greig
Lunchtime Supervisors - Abigail Palmer-Smith, Jennie Holt
Breakfast and After-School Club - Abigail Palmer-Smith, Victoria Hughes