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Helmdon Primary School

Happiness, Perseverance, Success




Reading - We would like all children to read daily at home each night for about 20 minutes.  Reading is an essential skill and regular practise really does have an impact.  Please record home reading in the reading record books as these will count towards their reading challenge.  Please can reading books and reading records come into school everyday.  We will be changing reading books on Monday mornings for those on the school reading scheme.  Once the children have completed Stage 10 on the reading scheme, they will progress onto the Accelerated Reader Scheme and complete online comprehension quizzes on the completion of books. 


Maths - By the end of Year 2 children should have a confident grasp of their number bonds and know the x2, x5 and x10 times tables.  Hit The Button and TTRockstars are a fun way to engage your child in learning these facts.  We recommend they spend 10 minutes up to 3 times a week on these skills.  


Spellings - Spelling tests will be completed on Fridays.  As the term progresses, two words from the previous week's list will be added to the test.  Most weeks the words will follow a rule and we will practise this rule in lessons.  It is important to talk about the rules at home also.  Lists for the term can be found below.  At the end of Year 2, the children are expected to be able to spell the Year 2 Common Exception words with accuracy.  These words will be incorporated into their weekly spelling lists but it is advisable to work on these independently during the year as the expectation is they will be used with accuracy by the end of Year 2.  A link to this list  can be found below.  



Reading in Parrots Class

Reading for pleasure is encouraged in many ways and in all year groups. For example, in addition to engaging with our Key Stage 1 reading scheme or Accelerated Reader, every class has a weekly, timetabled "book club" when book ideas and recommendations are made or dicussed and books/chapters shared; children across the school enjoy a daily "story time" with their class teacher and, once per half term, with other teachers in the school; all classes have the opportunity to visit our school library every week; our Year 6 Reading Ambassadors also open the library during the lunch break, at least twice per week; we celebrate World Book Day with a whole week of activities...

There are many more ways we promote and encourage reading for pleasure in school, however, reading at home is equally important and crucial for every child.

But, what to read?

Below are links to recommended books and suggestions of similar authors if trying to encourage new books. If you would like any further help with suggestions for your child, please talk to the class teacher or Mrs Pearson