Owls - Years 5 & 6
Welcome to Owls Class
If you need to speak to Mrs Zdyrko or me, please use our email addresses - T.Pearson@helmdon.org and head@helmdon.northants-ecl.gov.uk - or catch us on the playground before the start of the school day.
Teaching Timetable:
Monday: Mrs Zdyrko
Tuesday: Mrs Pearson
Wednesday: Mrs Pearson
Thursday: Mrs Pearson (PE with Mrs England)
Friday: Mrs Zdyrko (PE with Mrs England)
At home, it is vital that you continue to read every day (discussing your reading with teachers in school or parents at home); learn weekly spellings and endeavour to use the words in your writing; and continue to practise your multiplication tables (and inverse division facts) - remember: you can use your log-in/password to compete against children all over the world via the TTRockstars website.