
Welcome to Helmdon Primary School
Happiness, Perseverance, Success
A warm welcome to Helmdon Primary School’s website. We are a co-educational, state-maintained, village primary school catering for children from the ages of 4-11 years, who live in Helmdon or surrounding villages and the local town of Brackley.
Happiness, Perseverance and Success are the essence of our ethos: we know that happy children learn best and we promote their happiness through kind and caring relationships with others. We help them learn to persevere to overcome challenges and develop determination and resilience for whatever they are faced with; they will then succeed academically, physically, creatively and socially to the best of their abilities.
Our school is run by a team of dedicated staff and governors, who are committed to upholding our ethos to promote our children’s happiness, wellbeing and achievements. We strive to provide an atmosphere where everyone feels valued, happy and accepted. We recognise that nothing is achieved without hard work, so children in every class are encouraged to consistently work hard, to dig deep and keep going. Having a good work ethic and commitment to educational success sets children up for life.
In addition to our ethos, we place value on the importance of learning about our locality, the environment and diversity. These values are threaded through our curriculum and they, together our ethos, ensure that our children receive an exceptional educational experience and are prepared for life.
We hope that you enjoy browsing our website and that you find any information you are looking for. If you would like a paper copy of the information or would like to arrange a visit to the school, please contact the school office direct on 01295 768126 or contact our Headteacher, Mrs Amanda Zdyrko, by email on head@helmdon.northants-ecl.gov.uk. We look forward to seeing you soon.